Rallynews & Rally-O
© Rally O Limited 2017 - 2024 - all rights reserved (Co Reg 07283051)
Dursley South West DT & Behaviour Centre Ann Nash / Sally Knowlson 07866 435 303 an.k9behaviour@btinternet.com
Dursley Woof-it DTC Amanda Beardshaw 01453 860 764 / 07875 538 797 mandy@woof-it.co.uk website
Gloucester Animal Magic Dog Training Claire Stewart 07775 533 864 mail@animalmagicdogtraining.com
Kingsway Samdais DTC Hayley Woodcock 01453 821 603 / 07973 341 659 samdais4@hotmail.co.uk facebook
Lydney Forest Oak DTC Michelle Dodson 01594 840 322 forestoak.dogclub@gmail.com website facebook
Shown is a list of groups in alphabetical order of Counties or Areas in which groups and clubs are teaching or practicing KC Rally. Note - As these are strictly NOT advertisements - we do not show details regarding training days, times, fees or venues. Each entry shows the name of the group/club, contact name, and con - tact details with links to email address and website/facebook Please note the email link uses YOUR email program not ours! PLESE ALSO NOTE - being listed does not signify Rallynews (or Rally-O Ltd) endorsement, approval or recommerndation
Rallynews & Rally-O
© Rally O Limited 2017 - 2024 all rights reserved (Co Reg 07283051)
Shown is a list of groups in alphabetical order of Counties or Areas in which groups and clubs are teaching or practicing KC Rally Note - As these are strictly NOT advertisements - we do not show details regard - ing training days, times, fees or venues. Each entry shows the name of the group/club, contact name, and contact details with links to email address and website/facebook. Please note the email link uses YOUR email program not ours! PLEASE ALSO NOTE - being listed does not signify Rallynews (or Rally-O Ltd) endorsement, approval or recommerndation.
Dursley South West DT & Behaviour Centre Ann Nash / Sally Knowlson 07866 435 303 an.k9behaviour@btinternet.com
Dursley Woof-it DTC Amanda Beardshaw 01453 860 764 / 07875 538 797 mandy@woof-it.co.uk website
Gloucester Animal Magic Dog Training Claire Stewart 07775 533 864 mail@animalmagicdogtraining.com
Kingsway Samdais DTC Hayley Woodcock 01453 821 603 / 07973 341 659 samdais4@hotmail.co.uk facebook
Lydney Forest Oak DTC Michelle Dodson 01594 840 322 forestoak.dogclub@gmail.com website facebook