
Due to the requirement to comply with GDPR, we have had to change the way in which the judges details can be obtained from us. Therefore we can no longer simply post on the website a list of judges with their contact details. We can now only provide a full list to bona fide Show Secretaries. We do, however, show an abbreviated list for those who need to know who is who amongst the judges!

Show Secretaries
If you are a Show Secretary and need a list of judges with contact details, please send us an email from the official email address of the group or club that is to hold the Competition, requesting the list. We will then send you a list by encrypted email - a password will be provided to ‘unencrypt’ or open the email.

Alternatively, write to us on the club/group’s headed notepaper and we will send a printed list by recorded delivery.

To appear on the list, please email us from the email address that is to be included as your contact address (or write to us from your postal address and send it by recorded delivery). The email/letter needs to include
•email address and/or contact telephone number
•levels at which you can judge
•geographical area where you are able to judge (i.e. Northeast England, Surrey only, or whatever).
•you will also need to include a simple statement that you ”agree to these details to appear in the Rallynews Judges List which will be made available, upon request, to Rally Competition Show Secretaries”

Amendments to, or a request for the deletion of, the details already held should be notified to us in the same manner as above.

Note - we cannot add, amend or delete details following a telephone call - it has to be either email or written/posted.

To contact us by -
email: admin@rally-o.com
by post: Rallynews, 48 Bardsway Avenue, Blackpool, Lancashire FY3 8JR

Updated 8th  July 2024

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