KCRallyisnowover10yearsoldandprettywellestablished.TheKennelClubhasa“Rally WorkingParty”,thereis(ofcourse)ourRallynewswebsiteandmagazinebuthowdoyou convey your ideas or learn of the suggestions and ideas of your Rally peers?Isn’titabouttimethatKCRally(inparticular)hadanationalCONFERENCE?Thisisonly a light bulb moment but we would love to hear from you about this idea. •Perhaps,likeAlanBatesdid,holda‘meeting/conference’somewherenearthegeograph-ical centre of the UK. •Open to all interested parties, such as oSecretaries and organisers of Rally competitionsoThose teaching KC RallyoKC Rally Working Party and/or Canine Activites members - probably by invitationoand of course, ‘KC Rallyers’!•Perhaps a guest speaker or two giving a talk about relevant items to KC Rally•Discussion/Forum regarding venues, setting up competitions etc•A chance to talk directly with KC Rally Working Party members•A forum for suggestions for the future of KC Rally •A chance to meet other ‘KC Rallyers’Thisisjustanideaandwilltakesomeorganising,butitshouldnotnecessarilybeorganiseed byorundertheauspiciesofTheRoyalKennelClub.Thisshouldbeaconferenceforandby ‘KC Rallyers’.So what do you think? How about letting us know by email
KCRallyisnowover10yearsoldandprettywellestablished.The KennelClubhasa“RallyWorkingParty”,thereis(ofcourse)our Rallynewswebsiteandmagazinebuthowdoyouconveyyourideas or learn of the suggestions and ideas of your Rally peers?Isn’titabouttimethatKCRally(inparticular)hadanational CONFERENCE?Thisisonlyalightbulbmomentbutwewould love to hear from you about this idea. •Perhaps,likeAlanBatesdid,holda‘meeting/conference’some-where near the geographical centre of the UK. •Open to all interested parties, such as oSecretaries and organisers of Rally competitionsoThose teaching KC RallyoKCRallyWorkingPartyand/orCanineActivitesmembers- probably by invitationoand of course, ‘KC Rallyers’!•Perhapsaguestspeakerortwogivingatalkaboutrelevant items to KC Rally•Discussion/Forumregardingvenues,settingupcompetitions etc•AchancetotalkdirectlywithKCRallyWorkingParty members•A forum for suggestions for the future of KC Rally •A chance to meet other ‘KC Rallyers’Thisisjustanideaandwilltakesomeorganising,butitshouldnot necessarilybeorganiseedbyorundertheauspiciesofTheRoyal Kennel Club. This should be a conference for and by ‘KC Rallyers’.So what do you think? How about letting us know by email